Arcevia Services is an online service in the UK, offering data entry, proofreading, website maintenance and typing services. Each of these are separate services with an aim to provide accurate, efficient and quality work at low rates. You can be assured that all work will be carried out by a highly qualified person with years of experience. For more information, please click on the relevant link below. If you have any questions, please click here.
DATA ENTRY: The data entry service involves entering data into a format of your choice e.g. a database, online product catalogue or spreadsheet. Whether the data come from forms/surveys filled in by hand, printed directories or Internet websites, the data are entered, double-checked and then returned to you. READ MORE...
PROOFREADING: The proofreading service checks documents, both hardcopy and digital, for spelling, punctuation, grammar and consistency. Discounts are available for authors and students. Extra checking is provided for those whose first language is not English and whose work needs a little more attention. READ MORE...
TYPING: The typing service provides typing of printed text and handwritten copy. All documents are typed up to a format of your choice in an accurate, fast and efficient manner. Other services are also offered in addition to this e.g. email correspondence, administration, spreadsheets, etc. Please use the contact form to discuss further. The prices are very low and competitive but work is carried out to a high standard. READ MORE...
WEBSITE MAINTENANCE: The website maintenance service covers one-off updates to websites, regular website maintenance updates, and new website content for new websites. READ MORE...